yeeaahhh....dpt award ag..hhhee..kli ni...award dr cik eira si mnis kite..hehehhee...thnks ye syg.....
korg knl x ni?/lau x knl..meh aku knl kn ye...
ok la..
ni la si manis eira 2...
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haa...klu nk knl die lg rapt..jum bsme2 terjah die..
mcm biase ..bile da dpt award..kne mnjawab soklan la plk..hehehehe...
1. Write 5 intresting facts about the person who gave you this award?
haa...die ny..pyanyang....
yg psti die adelh sorg pompuan+ladies2 sket..hehehe..
berzodiak gemini..
suke join contest..
sgt2 la pramah..
2. Write down 10 intresting facts about yourself and your hobby?
skang ni tgh stdy kt upm,amik bac.mechanical engineering
suke brblog+facebooking
lahir pde ari guru(er..trikh..cri sndr ye..heheh)
love family+pakwe musyuk ku sgt2..
suke tito+men game jgk..
sgt pmalu ngn dak laki..
senang nak go on ngn org yg s2 pale
suke pde chye+laut..
xsuke sakit kn ati org..
aku adelah aku...hehehehh...
3. Pick your most 10 deserving recipients and describe them.
er..kne describe ke...xyh la eh..hehehe..
zue bg ni..pde mreke yg lawat n tgl kn jejak aw..jejak terbru....
4. Link the blog of the person who gives this award to you?
er...kt atas 2 da link..kne link ag ke??
kih3..tibe2 je dpt award. thanks ye :)
tq cik zuera..nnt shah buat ek..
thanks babe:)
blaja sungguh2 yer sis:D
i pon taken dat course b4. tough course:P
nati i buat entry pasai ni k:D
oret..thanks tau..leh wat koleksi ni..muaahhss!!!
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